To Your Health! Take Shape For Life
My wife Jacki and I have begun a new venture. Stemming from our desire to achieve optimal health for ourselves, we had tried various ineffective diets to lose weight, lose fat, and return to a healthy BMI.
As noted in the previous post, I am interested in more than just dental health. I am interested in the overall health of myself, my family and my patients. So, in September 2010, we began the Take Shape for Life program with our health coach in Atlanta, GA.
We have been so successful, that we have decided to help others develop the habits of health.
Take Shape for Life and the Habits of Health System typically provide:
- Safe Rapid weight loss
- Diminished hunger and cravings
- Blood sugar stabilization
- Increased energy level
- Medication reduction or elimination
- Improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Increased esteem and freedom
Make 2011 your year! Join us at our free informational seminar and product tasting event on Jan 18, 2011 7:00-8:30pm.
Click the following link for our flier with details of the event. Take Shape for Life – Free informational seminar and Tasting
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Mitzi Currey on 01.21.2011
Usually an awesome submit while i you can visit this blog and other sites you possess. Appreciate your skills.
Gordon P. Smith, DDS on 02.16.2011
Thank you Mitzi for your kind words.